The problem of acidity and gas is a very common problem, due to which not only old people but also young people are troubled. There can be many reasons for this, but people of almost every age have this problem due to disturbances in eating habits or not eating on time. In such a situation, some people take medicines immediately, or some do not eat food for a long time due to the problem of gas, which is not the right solution at all. Although, with the help of yoga, this problem can also be dealt with permanently. So let’s know, which yoga asana can be beneficial to get rid of gas and acidity.
Matsya means fish. Because the body has to be kept like a fish while doing this asana, hence it is called Matsyasana. To do Matsyasana, first of all, spread a mat on the ground and sit in padmasana. Now lift the back from the ground and move the head back so much that the top of the head touches the ground. After this, grasp the left toe with the right hand and then the right toe with the left hand. And keeping your knees on the ground, raise the back part so that only the knee and the head part of the body touch the ground. Regular practice of this asana removes the problem of gas and acidity and increases appetite by eliminating constipation. This also improves digestion power.
In Sarvangasana, all the parts of the body are exercised at the same time, which is why this asana has been named Sarvangasana. To do this, lie down on the back on a mat spread on the flat ground and keep both your hands close to the body. And after that slowly raise both legs up. Make the whole body straight by making a right angle from the neck and touching the chin to the chest. And after coming to this position, take a deep breath at least ten times and then slowly bring the feet down. By doing Sarvangasana, there is a complete development of the body, and the activity of the thyroid glands increases. Along with this, regular practice of this asana also increases the circulation of blood and increases digestion power. Due to this, the problem of gas and acidity is relieved.
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To do Uttanpadasana, lie straight on the seat lying on the Chaman and keep the part of the stomach upwards. After this, keep both your hands straight by touching the body and keep touching the ground with the palms. Stay in this position for one to two minutes and then while breathing, lift both legs straight upwards. And then keep the head on the ground. Now keep the legs upwards at an angle of 90 degrees. Stay in this position for some time and then slowly return to the normal position while exhaling. By doing Uttanpadasana, the stomach, legs, and waist get very strong and they become athletic. Regular practice of this asana also cures indigestion and gastric problems.
To do Bhujangasana, first of all, lie down on your stomach with your face facing down and then leave the body completely loose. After this, keep the palms above the ground at the place between the shoulders and elbows and slowly raise the part from the navel to the front like the hood of a snake. Now pull the toes backward, so that the fingers start touching the ground. And then stay in this position for some time and do it at least four times. Regular practice of Bhujangasana does not cause gas, constipation, etc. in the stomach. Apart from this, this asana also provides relief from problems related to the neck, shoulder, and spine.
Apart from these asanas, you can also regularly practice Mayurasan, Vajrasan, Halasan, Shalabhasan, Anulom Vilom Pranayama, Mandukasan, etc. All these asanas also remove the problem of acidity and gas and make the body healthy and strong.