If Shavasana is done regularly for 15-20 minutes, the mind becomes calm and high blood pressure becomes normal, read this article to know about the right way to do it and its other benefits.
This asana is also a comfortable asana because Shava means dead, that is, the body becomes like a corpse. That is why this asana is known as Shavasana. It is made up of the sum of two words, Shava + Asana = Shava Asana or Shavasana. If this posture is done regularly for 15-20 minutes, then the mind becomes calm and high blood pressure becomes normal. It is a relaxing asana and energizes the body, mind, and spirit. Shavasana is the only asana that can be practiced by people of all age groups. Let us know by which method this asana is done and what are its benefits.
How to do Shavasana:
To do this asana, keep maximum distance between both legs while lying on the back. The toes of the feet should be outside and the heels should be inwards. Keep both hands at a distance of about one foot from the body. The fingers of the hands should be bent and keep the neck straight, keep the eyes also closed. In Shavasana, first of all, the part from the toe to the head is left loose. After leaving the whole body loose, first of all, put the mind on the breath and through the mind, feel that the breath is going in and coming out from both nostrils.
When the breath goes in, we feel a slight coolness in the tip of the nostrils and when we exhale, we feel warm. Feel this warmth and coolness. In this way, focus on the chest and navel respectively from the nostrils. Keep counting the countdown in your mind. From 100 to 1. If you make a mistake, start again from 100. Keep in mind that your attention should be only on the body, not on the thoughts going on in the mind. For this, feel the depth of the breath.
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Benefits of Shavasana:
By regularizing this posture, our mind remains attached to the body in the state of breath, due to which no external thoughts arise in the body, that is, negative thoughts do not come. For this reason, when our mind is in a completely relaxed state, then the body automatically experiences peace. The internal organs are relieved of all tension, so that blood circulation flows smoothly. And when the blood moves smoothly, physical and mental stress decreases. It is especially beneficial for people who have high blood pressure and insomnia.
Some precaution is also necessary:
The advantage of this asana is only when your eyes are closed while doing it. It is necessary to keep the hands at a distance of one foot from the body and a distance of one to one and a half feet in the feet. In this, the body should be left loose. The body should not move in the position of breath.
This is a posture that provides mental peace and relaxation, by doing this both the mind and the mind remain calm.