Choosing professional cleaning companies without making mistakes is not an easy task. There is a lot of demand and they do not always offer the expected services. At SCS Group Cleaning Solution, we carry out cleaning for companies of all kinds: offices, offices, premises, warehouses…
We adapt to your needs to offer you a 100% personalized quote. So, if you are going to hire cleaning companies for your business, and you want to choose the best one and save, note the following tips.
Tips for choosing a good cleaning company
Cleaning in companies with a closed budget
When choosing a cleaning company well, you consider it offers you a close budget according to your needs. Just as in the cleaning service in communities or in private homes, each case is different, and therefore the dimensions and time that must be dedicated vary.
At SCS Group Cleaning Solution, we always request prior information from our clients to know the size of their company, the different areas to be cleaned, the materials and products that will be necessary, and to make an approximate work schedule. In this way, we can give a closed and adjusted budget in a totally personalized way. A good office or local cleaning company will never charge you more than what you should pay.
Choose the cleaning companies
Choosing the right cleaning products for a company
It is very important that when choosing the best cleaning services company; you consider that it will use the right products for each case. A large ship is not the same as a small office, not only in terms of time and the type of tasks to be carried out, but also of the materials to be cleaned and the tools and products necessary for it.
At SCS Group Cleaning Solution, we include all the materials that are necessary to carry out the different cleaning tasks, both in quantity and quality. Each type of floor requires a different treatment, and in this sense, our team also uses soap for each type of floor.
The time needed to clean a business
If so far you have not hired a cleaning company for offices, offices, premises, or warehouses, and you do not know the time needed to clean your business, you need a company that can give you an estimate. For clients who do not know how many hours it would be appropriate to dedicate to cleaning their company, at SCS Group Cleaning Solution, we visit them and plan a work program according to the needs of each case. In this way, you can previously assess costs and time and discuss it with the client in order to agree on a closed and final budget.
Schedule for cleaning a company
A good cleaning company should offer you flexible hours since most times businesses prefer that the tasks be carried out when the employees are not there. At SCS Group Cleaning Solution, we have a shift from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday through Saturday. However, by notifying us in advance, we can carry out maintenance timely in emergency services.
What cleaning services a company should offer?
As we have discussed, each company has different facilities and therefore the type of cleaning tasks vary in each case. A good cleaning company, at a minimum, should offer floor treatment, floor polishing, office furniture cleaning, window cleaning, cleaning and changing rooms, and dining room cleaning.
At SCS Group Cleaning Solution, besides all these types of services, we can adapt to specific customer specifications. We are also flexible if additional service is required as long as we take it into account in advance and can be included independently of the closed budget.
Choose the cleaning companies
To choose the best office cleaning, you must remember besides the floor or specific areas of the facility, it is very important that the computers, chairs, furniture, and telephones are in perfect condition. Precisely, the phones are where more bacteria accumulate and it is necessary that they have the proper maintenance.
Cleaning companies in Canberra
At SCS Group Cleaning Solution, we offer you our cleaning services for companies where we can give you a fixed price according to the needs of your business. Do you need us to clean your office? Is it necessary to clean a ship or a premise? We offer you our team of professionals with experience in cleaning and carrying out all kinds of tasks.
Tell us what your company is like, the type of services you need, and the time you would like the tasks to be carried out and we can give you a personalized quote.