The importance of cleanliness in the food industry
Industrial cleaning companies in Sydney, as well as industrial disinfection services, know that if there is one factor that the food sector must guarantee in its production processes, that is safety. In this sense, both cleaning (absence of dirt) and disinfection (elimination of microorganisms) are the best allies to ensure the quality of production in sanitary terms.
Therefore, cleanliness in the food industry is crucial to carrying out the activity. What other reasons make cleaning activities essential in this sector?
Cleaning and disinfection are operations aimed at combating the proliferation and activity of microorganisms that can contaminate food and cause its deterioration. Cleanliness is the absence of dirt and its purpose is to reduce or kill microorganisms. Disinfecting, on the other hand, can be defined as partially eliminating the number of bacteria found in a certain environment or surface, in such a way that it is not harmful to people. If we try to eliminate all possible bacteria, microorganisms, and living forms, we would be talking about sterilization.
Cleaning and disinfection programs
Cleaning and disinfection programs should ensure that all parts of the facility are properly cleaned, including cleaning equipment. The following should be constantly and effectively monitored, and when written cleaning schedules are prepared, the following should be specified: surfaces, items of equipment and utensils to be cleaned, responsibilities for different tasks, methods and frequencies of cleaning, and surveillance measures. When necessary, specialized advisers will use the programs.
Prevents food spoilage
To combat the proliferation of microorganisms and other pathogens, physical methods are used, such as high temperatures, drying or irradiation, but also chemical methods, applying disinfectant products, as well as hot water (up to 50ºC) and pressure (between 15 and 25 atmospheres).
In addition, it is very common to start this task with an initial rinse that will remove the largest particles, avoiding sweeping so as not to risk cross-contamination.
A crucial phase within the production process
Food storage for further processing, transportation, distribution, and marketing are the key operations in the food sector. However, poor cleaning and disinfection can spoil the fabric and we can carry out none of the above operations- out.
Health and wellness, also in the workplace
Cleaning and disinfection not only guarantee safety for public health, they also provide well-being in the work environment. And they do it not only from an emotional level (it is more pleasant and stimulating to work in clean and disinfected environments). But also from a security perspective. And it is that cleanliness, hygiene and order prevent accidents resulting from spills, dirt, or obstacles.
They complied with the regulations with
Being an activity directly related to public health, cleaning and disinfection procedures in the food industry are subject to a series of regulated obligations.
We can find an example in the community regulation on the hygiene of food products. This text establishes the obligation for food companies to create, apply, and maintain a self-control system. Based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). In this sense, we show cleaning as an essential system for product quality. But also as an essential element to maintaining work equipment, utensils, and facilities in optimal conditions.
SCS Group is one of the most experienced office cleaning companies in Sydney in the sector. In addition, it guarantees a pathogen-free activity in all types of industrial sectors. Do you also want to enjoy optimal hygiene at work? Contact us!